About us

Club and member information

Our club, organized in 1980, currently has over 20 members who own over one thousand combined different cultivars (types) of daylilies. A few of our members are interested in hybridizing and have started to pursue this. We all enjoy the beauty and variety of daylilies. We are actively trying to educate others about daylilies and their importance. In addition to daylilies, our members have many other hobbies that we are sure you will find of interest.

We are active in Carlinville's Heritage Days by educating the public and selling extra daylilies from our own garden.


Officers are elected every two years. Here are our current officers.

Phil Embree


John Seely


Claudia Harju


Christy Butler


SWIHS Bylaws 2022.pdf


Here is our club's by-laws (revised Oct 2022). These are reviewed frequently at our meetings. Changes come with a majority vote from all members of the club.